Saturday, February 23, 2008

Myth Vs. Reality

Why on earth does society portray the “ideal woman” as this successful business executive, who comes home from her 9-5 career, immaculately dressed. While still full of energy, she has time to cook dinner, clean the house, solve her children’s problems, and correct her husbands mistakes all without the slightest dismay.

It’s no wonder so many of us suffer from depression, very few women can live up to this illusion the media has painted for us. Let’s face it no one is perfect, why should we think we have to be? We as woman, carry the weight of the world on our shoulders, when the reality is that weight is not ours to carry. God has asked us to leave him with the worries of tomorrow. So what does that mean for us? A lot, without worry we have more time to enjoy ourselves and our family...Thank you God!

So let’s put an end to this “Super Mom Persona”, and look at what we did accomplish today not what we didn’t! I think you will be surprised to know even if the laundry didn’t get done, the house is turned upside down, or you had to order take out for dinner, you’re still perfect in your children’s eyes, and your husband is still going to love you!

Take a Break Woman!


Thursday, February 21, 2008

What does 2008 mean to you?

I believe 2008 to be the year of good fortune. The year that the pieces of the puzzle in which we call life will finally fall into place.

Things that didn't work in the past, will work now. Debt that didn't get paid, will be paid now. Vacations that weren't taken, will be taken now. Dreams that didn't come true, WILL COME TRUE NOW!

Yes 2008, will be a great year! You better have your heart eager, your mind ready and your arms open because SUCCESS is COMING!

Will you be there to catch it?

This is Brandi signing off~

No Skill=No Paycheck

Can you imagine, a dentist actually performing open heart surgery on somebody? Not without killing the person, right? What a horrifying, ridiculous, ignorant expectation...yet so many people start a home based business and expect the same thing. What on earth made us believe that starting a business was like winning the lottery?

What do successful people have in common? They value education. They don’t just learn one thing and then quit, “I suppose I know all I need to know.” They, like a sponge, continue to soak up new information. They continue to invest in themselves. By investing in themselves they are forever growing into the person they dreamed of becoming.

Until recently, I finally realize the importance of this. If I had not read the motivational books, listened to training audios from Dani Johnson and gone through Sandi Krakowski’s coaching course I would not be equipped to make $100+ an hour. In fact with every new aspect of life, this industry, and the food production I add more value to myself therefore growing my check.

You see, no matter where you work, whether it is from home or outside of the home, your paycheck reflects your skill level. Say you work in retail and you want to get a promotion, what are you going to do to get that promotion? You will add to your value by learning new things like how to work the cash register, how to open and close the store, better sales technique, or heighten your customer service skills, right? By making yourself more valuable and of course growing a back bone you can get that promotion you have been dreaming are the only thing standing in your way.

So my question is what skills are you willing to acquire today, so you can live fruitfully tomorrow?

Forever and Always,


Friday, February 15, 2008

Do as I do...

The of the most important thing I have learned is how building a thriving family business has impacted my children in so many positive ways. I dreamed of becoming a mother that could tell her children do as I do and as I say.

Growing up with my parents who were heavily involved in drugs and alcohol, I learned about life and what not to do through their mistakes. I always remind my daughter who is 6, that her actions speak loader than words. By watching my actions my children will know how to dream and how to make dreams happen.

My children have the opportunity to see what is possible when you are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of others. My daughter helps me with my son, makes youtube videos with me, assists me in my writing and comes up with the most inspirational marketing pieces for Uri International. In this profession, we truly are helping inspire the future entrepreneurs of the world!

Always and Forever,

What Can a Two Year Old Teach Us About Failure?

1) Let Nothing Stand in Your Way
If a 2 year old sees a cookie on the counter, do you honestly think that he is going to walk the other way? Of course not, he will locate a chair, push it over to the counter, climb up and get that cookie. If he sees a dog, he is going to walk right up to that dog no matter how big and viscous and he will reach out his hand to pet it. If your 2 year old is like mine, he will even hug the dog. These aren’t risk-free moves, yet a 2 year old acts with out fear and is oblivious to the consequences of his actions.

2) Do Not Limit Your Determination
There is no limit to their determination. They don’t say”Okay, I’m going to try walking 10 times and if I can’t get it, I’ll just quit.” No, they try until they get it. They may change their approach and try different tactics, but they try until they get what it is they want, no matter how many bumps and bruises it involves.

3) Driven by Desire
Their ability to keep on trying is driven by their desire. Their desire to get what they want is what motivates them to keep trying. They have no hidden agendas, they do not con themselves into thinking they want a carrot when really they want a cookie. They are honest about their desires and that is the driving force for their determination to get it.

4) Do Not Dwell
When they slip and fall or don’t quite reach their objective, they don’t beat themselves up. They don’t take it personally. Sure, they do get upset, but they move on! They don’t dwell on it for weeks, days or even hours, usually they are trying to conquer another objective within a few minutes.

5) Ask For Help
2 year olds are not above asking for help. If there is something they can’t reach, they tug on your sleeve or grab your hand and point to what they want. It doesn’t offend them or make them feel less of a person because they asked for help. They take the help when offered and ask for help when needed.

6) Learn by Imitation
They learn how to succeed by watching their surroundings. They watch mannerisms by listening to words, emotions, and actions. This is how they learn how to walk and talk by imitating those who are successfully accomplishing what they desire.

7) Gratefulness
When they do get help, they are grateful for it. They show their gratitude with a smile, a hug or maybe even a “tank oo”.

“In one success a thousand failures lie forgotten. In one refusal to try a thousand successes prematurely die”.
The greatest failure is in the refusal to try. When did we as adults learn to fail?

Forever and Always,

"Sales-Free" Work from Home

That got your attention didn’t it! Yup, you heard me right! A home-based business that doesn’t involve sales or cold calling, contacting your friends and family and no home parties? Hehe, I laugh every time I see these kind of ads!

I hate to be the barer of bad news, but keep dreamin! The truth is, not every home based business involves having to throw home parties or hounding each of your family and friends to join the next big thing. But, if you haven’t figured it out yet...every work at home opportunity involves some form of sales. Better yet, most JOB (Just Over Broke) positions entail some form of sales as well.

So what is a person who hates sales but wants to work at home to do?

Find a product that you can see yourself “referring” to others. We make referrals everyday, from movies to restaurants. Won’t it be nice to get paid for the referrals you are giving for a change?

Become a product of the product. I can’t begin to tell you how well this worked for me. People not only noticed the weight I lost, they also noticed the stride in my step. They naturally asked me what I was doing differently.

Believe in yourself. It all boils down to you baby...people don’t buy products or opportunities, they buy people! Work on you, and people will come!Many of us are not sales woman, but we have overcome this hurdle and realized that it is just that a hurdle. It still amazes me, how easy my business became when I stop selling.

Forever and Always,

Breaking the Rules

Do what others won't, step up and out of the box. Live in the moment, move before you're ready, challange yourself and the beliefs that limit you!

To stand tall in the face of adversity and take life's obstacles without having to prove that you are good enough is what seperates the average from the exceptional.

Exceptional people tap into their courage when faced with a challange. They immediately step into the solution, even when the solution takes them to unfamiliar territory.

Average people typically choose to remain in the problem simply because it is familiar and they fear being vulnerable when facing the possibility of not performing perfectly in the solution. They stay in their ego; afraid to reach their human potential; afraid to become the person they really deserve to be.

Changing isn't nearly as difficult as you perceive. You are already a brilliant person, you're a masterpiece in progress, and you have the ability to design your life rather than making a living. Just let yourself shine, step in the hands-free zone. It's playing like a child, riding your bike with no hands. Success becomes you and it comes to you rather than you chasing it.

Isn't it time we start breaking the rules and truly become FREE!

To You and Your Success!